Juan Altunez writes in his Florida Probate and Trust Litigation Blog about this recient Florida Supreme Court case: Olmstead v. F.T.C., — So.3d —-, 2010 WL 2518106 (Fla. Jun 24, 2010). Read his execllent summary and anlaysis of the case here.
An excerpt from the post:
"For those of you interested in understanding the charging-order policy issue I think is lurking in the background of the Florida Supreme Court’s ruling, STARTrightLLC.com is an excellent starting point. Below is an excerpt from that website explaining why charging-order protection makes sense in a multi-member LLC scenario, and why it doesn’t make sense for single-member LLCs.
The charging order protects the company and the member’s investment if one of the members is sued in his or her personal life. . . . The original charging order philosophy protected guys A, B from having to accept D as an unwanted partner if C, the person they originally went into business with gets sued. They don’t want to have to deal
with D. To prevent this unwanted member . . . the charging order is all D can get out of C’s membership . . . The charging order limits D. He must wait for A and B to decide to distribute money. No distributions = no money.
The Single Member Hitch: When a the member of a single member LLC is sued, there is no other member to protect from D. Two bankruptcy courts have used this flaw in the LLC protection to allow creditors of a business owner to completely take over his LLC and liquidate it for cash. The first case was in Colorado and the nation held its breath to see what would happen next. The next case was in Idaho and actually used the Colorado case to base its decision on. This means the trend is starting to move in the direction of denying charging order protection to single member LLCs."